Cats in the age of 12 months into the cat stage, into the cat's body and digestive system has been basically developed and mature, can better digest and absorb nutrients. The cat needs full price and balanced nutrition to keep the cat's best health and prevent senility.
The best diet for an adult cat is a balanced cat diet full of nutrition. When cats reach the age of 7, they can have many health problems, especially in metabolism, such as kidneys and eyes. To solve these problems, it is important to feed them low fat and low energy foods to help them maintain their normal weight.
In addition, the content of cellulose in food to ensure the health of the stomach, reduce magnesium and phosphorus content to maintain the urinary system and kidney health. In addition, they should be as easy as possible to digest food.
Weigh the cat regularly to ensure that the cat's weight is within normal limits and to feed on the advice of veterinarians and nutritionists. Regularly assess the physical condition of the cat and adjust the feeding amount of the food according to the physical condition. Gently scratching the cat's chin will increase the cat's affection for you.